Sunday, December 11, 2011


Weight Loss that Lasts: Break Through the 10 Big Diet Myths Weight Wa

"A clear, concise, science-based description of what is possible in weight loss today that cuts through the misconceptions and provides the solid facts."—Morgan Downey, Executive Director of the American Obesity AssociationWeight Watchers has helped millions of people worldwide lose weight. Now Weight Watchers joins forces with leading cardiologist and lifestyle medicine expert Dr. James M. Rippe to debunk the 10 big dieting myths and help you steer clear of the false turns and setbacks that may have kept you from losing weight for the long term. Weight Loss That Lasts shows how myths such as a few extra pounds don't matter (Myth #2), calories don't matter—avoid fats or carbs to lose weight successfully (Myth #5), and you can't lose weight if you have the wrong metabolism or genes (Myth #6) can get in the way of long-term weight-loss success. Drawing on the latest scientific research, the authors show that each myth has a kernel of truth but that it isn't the whole truth. In this book, they give you the knowledge and tools you need to see the big picture about weight loss along with commonsense advice and tips about how to make the right weight-loss choices for you. In the face of common defeatist myths such as you can't lose weight and keep it off (Myth #1), the experiences of successful weight-loss winners throughout the book demonstrate that sustainable weight loss is possible if you follow the path science offers. This myth-busting guide delivers just what you need to get off the dieting roller coaster and achieve your weight-loss goals—combining state-of-the-art science, practical advice, inspirational stories, and down-to-earth action steps. Now you can finally focus on weight loss that lasts!



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