Friday, February 17, 2012


6 metode rapide si sanatoase pentru pierderea in greutate

Alimentatia defectuasa este una dintre cele mai mari greseli de dieta. Urmati aceste 6 sfaturi sanatoase si rapide pentru pierderea in greutate,obtineti rezultate eficiente pentru silueta si un organism usor.
Nu este cazul sa va infometati sau sa ardeti caloriile prin alte metode dramatice,aveti multe solutii pentru a scapa de kilogramele nedorite.Aceste metode rapide de pierdere in greutate va invata sa mancati aproape orice avand o silueta de invidiat. Renuntati la toate alimentele bogate in calorii din frigider,luati lucrurile incet,pastrati-va motivatia pentru pierderea greutatii urmand aceste metode super-simple:
1. Alimente calde pentru controlul apetitului
Nutritionistii va sfatuiesc sa va potoliti foamea cu un sandwich fierbinte sau supa.Optati pentru supa de rosii care te incarca de energie si taie pofta de mancare pentru alte alimente. Include multe legume in supa sau in retete de tip sandwich pentru a arde caloriile.
2.Consumul de ton este sanatos. Este important sa cumparati alimente sanatoase pentru a reduce numarul caloriilor.Optati pentru ton ambalat si nu in conserve ce contin ulei.Conservele contin ingrediente si grasimi nesanatoase.Tonul continr omega-3 si acizi grasi,avand un impact pozitiv asupra organismului.
3. Un fruct din gama cirticilor in fiecare zi. Pentru a stimula metabolismul este important sa se administreze vitamina C in dieta d-voastra.Sa va asigurati arderea caloriilor mai eficienta,consumati cel putin un fruct din gama citricilor pe zi.O grefa,o portocala,o lamaie va ajuta sa pierdeti in greutate,fara sa transpirati.Se poate face salate delicioase din fructe pentru a va rasfata.
4. Gemul de mere. Daca simtiti nevoia sa mancati ceva dulce,cumparati gem de mere,este bogat in vitamine si are doar 20 de calorii.Cu biscuiti din cereale integrale este un mic dejun foarte gustos sau intre mesele principale ca si gustare.
5.O zi fara carne in alimentatie. Poate vi se pare greu sa eliminati carnea pentru o zi daca sunteti mari consumatori de carne.Insa o zi fara carne va ofera sansa sa reduceti aportul de grasimi saturate.Folositi-va de acest truc lunea sau in mijlocul saptamanii, rezultatele de pierdere a greutatii nu intarzie sa apara.
6. Skip Box-cuptor Cookie-urile. Pregatiti-va singuri dulciuri cu un aport scazut de zahar pentru respectarea proiectului de pierdere in greutate.Prajiturile si torturile de la magazin contin indulcitori si grasimi saturate artificiale.Inlocuitile cu salate de fructe,briose,migdale sau serbet,deserturi care sunt reduse in calorii.



Pastile pentru pierderea in greutate ar putea fi puse la vanzare in termen de trei ani

O pilula pentru dieta a fost conceputa de oameni de stiinta. Aceasta pilula opreste pofta de mancare,da senzatie de satietate si topeste kilogramele nedorite. Pilula de slabit" Xenical" este un medicament pentru dieta,se elibereaza pe baza de prescriptie medicala si se pare ca este deja pe piata in Marea Britanie.
Aceasta pilula previne absortia de grasimi in organism dar are si efecte neplacute cum ar fi deranjarea stomacului,intre timp au fost retrase de pe piata doua tipuri de pastile care au cauzat probleme psihice grave si deteriorarea inimii.In schimb aceasta pilula,OAP-189,este o obtiune mai sigura si mai simpla.

Inventatorul sau,profesorul Stephen Bloom,este expert si lider mondial in obezitate de la Imperial College din Londra. Chirurgia este eficienta,dar nu si fara riscuri,iar profesorul Bloom a cautat o modalitate pentru pierderea in greutate fara sa aiba loc o operatie chirurgicala.

Profesorul Bloom a inceput administrarea la volutarii obezi si supraponderali, si in patru saptamani au pierdut in greutate aproximativ 5 kilograme.El a mai specificat ca acest medicament se poate administra zilnic sau saptamanal.

Multe dintre pastilele de slabit dau reactii adverse,cum ar fi,diareea si chiar inconstienta.La aceasta pilula,efectele neplacute sunt procnozate sa fie la limita,dar ca sa ajunga pe piata trebuie sa treaca prin numeroase testari umane.La inceput,probabil,se elibereaza cu prescriptie medicala.Xenical,singura dieta cu pastile a fost cunoscuta sub numele de Alli, din 2009.



Pentru pierdere in greutate si o stare de bine este necesara stimularea metabolismului

Stimularea metabolismului este importanta pentru pierderea in geutate,insa sunt multi factori de care depinde cat de repede corpul tau arde caloriile.Acesti factori sunt: 
- O parte dintre oameni au un metabolism rapid mostenit de la natura;
- Tendinta de a arde mai multe calorii o au barbatii,ei pierd calorii chiar si atunci cand se odihnesc;
- Pentru majoritatea dintre noi,metabolismul incetineste dupa varsta de 40 de ani.Chiar daca nu se poate controla varsta,sexul sau genetica, sunt posibilitati de a obtine o stimulare a metabolismului.
1. Formarea masei musculare. Un kilogram de muschi,pentru a se sustine, consuma aproximativ sase-sapte calorii pe zi, in timp ce un kilogram de grasime doar doua calorii pe zi.Asadar,daca castigam un kilogram de muschi,metabolismul creste cu pana la 10-12% si se ard mai multe calorii pe parcursul zilei.
2. Antrenamente sportive la un nivel inalt. Exercitiile fizice si aerobice cresc metabolismul,acestea ofera o crestere mai mare decat atunci cand metabolismul este in stare de repaus sau lipsesc antrenamentele sportive. Pentru arderea caloriilor mergeti pe jos cel putin 30 de minute si la un moment dat incercati sa grabiti pasul timp de 15-20 secunde.
3. Consumati multa apa. Pentru procesarea caloriilor,organismul are nevoie de apa. Intr-un studiu s-a aratat ca persoanele adulte care beau opt pahare de apa pe zi,ard mai multe calorii decat persoanele care beau numai patru pahare. Pentru o hidratare buna a organismului se bea un pahar de apa sau ceai neindulcit la fiecare masa sau gustare.
4. Mancati putin si des. Sunt multe posibilitati de a va alimenta care ajuta la pierderea in greutate. Mesele bogate in alimente si rare duc la incetinirea metabolismului.O masa cu alimente putine si o gustare la fiecare 3-4 ore pastraza metabolismul,se ard mai multe calorii pe parcursul unei zile.
5. Mese cu alimente condimentate. Adaugati o lingurita de ardei iute tocat marunt in mancare pentru a creste temporar cu cel putin 20% rata metabolismului.Alimentele picante contin compusi chimici care grabesc viteza metabolismului.
6. Un consum de proteine mai mare.Inlocuiti carbohidratii cu alimente bogate in calorii. Aceste alimente sunt: carnea de vita si pors slaba,peste alb, carnea de pui sau de curcan,branza tofu,nuci,produse lactate degresate,fasole, etc..
7. Multa miscare in timpul zilei. Cu cat faceti mai multa miscare ardeti mai multe calorii. O persoana ar trebui sa faca in medie de la 6-7 mii de pasi pe zi.

Pentru multe persoane,exercitiile fizice si dieta nu sunt suficiente sa piarda in greutate,si atunci se trece la un stil de viata sanatos si activ.De multe ori,cea mai buna obtiune este chirurgia pentru pierdere in greutate.Daca optati pentru chirurgie sa pierdeti in greutate,apelati la Flagstaff Medical Center's Bariatric Surgical Weight Loss Center. Acest centru ofera sedinte de informare gratuite,sedintele includ prezentari cu privire la cauzele si complicatiile legate de obezitate,precum si tipurile de interventii chirurgicale disponibile, cu  personal chirurgical din clinica. Pentru a afla mai multe informatii despre program,vizitati Celeste Hebets este terapeut si coordonator al FMC's Bariatric Surgical Weight Loss Center.



Pilates Complete for Weight Loss (Interactive Pilates Series)

Pilates Complete for Weight Loss includes a variety of workouts designed for various levels of fitness. Video host Karen Garcia guides the viewer through each workout. The viewer is encouraged to mix and match the various workouts in order to create a personalized exercise regimen. Perry Seibert, All Movie Guide



Prevention Fitness Systems: 400 Calorie Fix Workout (Widescreen)

This integrative fitness program offers two complete exercise routines, Fast Burn Cardio Intervals and Burn and Firm Cardio/Strength circuit. Designed to be performed together, the routines promise to burn about 400 calories total, so that viewers can plan their weight loss with maximum efficiency. Cammila Albertson, Rovi



Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds - 30 Minute Walk (Weight Loss

Take a two-mile walk down the road to fitness as exercise guru Leslie Sansone shows the difference that just thirty-minutes a day can make with a brisk walk that aims to build endurance, burn fat, and speed up metabolism. In just thirty-minutes a day viewers can experience the healthful benefits of a regular workout, and from the energizing warm-up to the fat-blasting, cardiovascular pumping walk and a satisfying stretch and cool-down, Sansone will have those couch potatoes burning calories like never before. Jason Buchanan, Rovi 



S.W.A.T. Workout: Extreme Weight Loss and Fat Burning S.W.A.T.

This exercise program, created by SWAT commander Tom Stroup, features an aerobic workout that can be modulated to help anyone regardless of fitness level. This program will burn fat and help anyone drop pounds. Perry Seibert, Rovi



Cytogenix Laboratories Xenadrine RFA 1, Clinical Strength, Rapid

Dietary Supplement. Rapid weight-loss formula. Burn fat & calories. Increase metabolism. Clinically proven ingredients. Powerful formula. Get results fast with Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1. Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 contains full-dosed, clinically proven, patented ingredients for rapid weight loss. Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 is a sophisticated weight loss formula with fat and calorie-burning benefits powered by ingredients that have been clinically researched to deliver incredible results. Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 sets the fat-burning standard! Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 represents the latest advancements in the science of fat and calorie burning. Multiple clinical studies on certain key ingredients (catechins and caffeine) in Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 demonstrate fat-burning, calorie-burning and metabolism-boosting results. Make healthy food choices and regular exercise a part of your life, and Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 will take care of the rest. With the help of Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 you won't have to starve yourself or rely on crash diets to get results fast. The key ingredients in Xenadrine RFA-1 are clinically proven to cause rapid weight loss! Average weight loss of nearly 15 lb and 12.5 lb respectively with key ingredients in Clinical Strength Xenadrine RFA-1 versus an average of a little over 3 lb and 3.5 lb with placebo in two 8-week studies. All groups dieted and exercised. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.) Made in USA

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Laci Le Beau Super Dieter's Tea, Cranberry Twist 30 Tea Bags

Super Dieter's Tea from Laci Le Beau is the result of painstaking research and experimentation with hundreds of herbs, leaves, and spices. Out Master Tea Blenders combined ancient Chinese wisdom with American ingenuity to create a refreshing tea of unequaled flavor and aroma. Since everyone is unique, it's recommended that you start with a small amount of Super Dieter's Tea and gradually increase your intake to meet your personal taste requirements. For thousands of years people of the Orient, India and Greece have utilized various herbs in their daily diet. Many of these original recipes have been handed down for generations and are still enjoyed today. Super Dieter's Tea is a premium blend of natural herbs and spices. Our master tea blenders make sure every cup of Super Dieter's Tea meets the rigorous quality standards that continue to satisfy millions of people everywhere. Demand the best-Super Dieter's Tea. Suggested Use: Pour two cups (12 ounces) of boiling water over one tea bag, cover and let steep for 2 minutes. Do not over steep. Press tea bag lightly and remove. Drink one cup (6 ozs.) hot or cold, after the evening meal. Save second cup for next day after the evening meal. Three to four days later you may gradually increase flavor by steeping one tea bag with one cup (6 ozs.) of boiling water. Enjoy one cup of tea after the evening meal. For optimum flavor, never over steep. Ingredients: Cassia Angustifolia (tinnevelly senna), Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis (hibiscus), Glycyrrhiza Glabra (licorice root), Althaea Officinalis (althaea), Eleutherococcus Senticosus (siberian ginseng), Carica Papaya (papaya), Lonicera Japonica (honeysuckle), Chrysanthemum Officinalis (german chamomile), Spices and Natural Flavor 

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The Biggest Loser Wii WII

Television's hit weight-loss show offers gamers a chance to improve their life with more than 60 exercises and 50 healthy recipes in The Biggest Loser. Players take on the show's former contestants in challenges lasting four, eight, or twelve weeks, with



Anti-Inflammation Diet for Dummies (Paperback)

Trusted information and healthy, delicious recipes to fight inflammationLow-grade inflammation is a condition inside the body, directly related to diet, that slowly wears on the body, facilitating chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Also, the latest research has detected a correlation between inflammation and conditions like severe allergies, asthma, and even cancer.Anti-Inflammation Diet For Dummies takes a preventative dietary approach to fighting inflammation by stimulating natural healing with anti-inflammatory foods and supplements. It reveals the causes of inflammation and provides a how-to prescription for eliminating it through diet changes, stress reduction, and healthy weight loss.Defines what inflammation is, how it develops, and its associated risks Outlines foods and supplements rich in natural inflammation-fighting agents 100 healthy and delicious recipes loaded with anti-inflammatory agentsAnti-Inflammation For Dummies is an invaluable resource to help you make smart diet choices by avoiding problematic foods that instigate the inflammatory process, and arms you with knowledge and delicious recipes to get on the road to a healthier you.



The Diet Detective's All-American Diet (Paperback)

When it comes to diets, Americans want two things: ease of use and results. The Diet Detective'sAll-American Diet gives readers exactly what they need to lose weight without recipes, cooking, or calorie counting. Diet Detective Charles Platkin has done all the complicated nutrition math in advance, so readers merely pick and choose their meal plan from thousands of photos of regular foods available at their local stores and favorite chain restaurants. Significantly less expensive, more accessible, and infinitely more practical than convenience eatingprograms like Jenny Craig or NutriSystem, The Diet Detective's All-American Diet operates according to the same proven principles of portion control, behavior change, and proper nutrition for effective weight loss. The book gives readers a mix-and-match, Build-a-Meal program that shows them how to pick their breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack from lists of thousands of popular brand-name foods available anywhere. It's that simple: Readers can simply go to the supermarket and start shedding pounds.



The Dash Diet Action Plan (Hardcover)

The complete guide to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol-without medication-through a proven diet, exercise, and weight loss program Finally, the 1 ranked DASH diet is popularized and user-friendly. Unlike any diet before it, DASH, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, came out of groundbreaking NIH-funded research. Now, Marla Heller, MS, RD, who was trained by one of the primary architects of the DASH diet and is herself the leading dietician putting DASH into action for over ten years, shares the secret to making the diet easy and accessible, in THE DASH DIET ACTION PLAN. Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, lean meats, fish, beans, and nuts, DASH is grounded in healthy eating principles that lower blood pressure; reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer; and support reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. No diet has a medical pedigree like DASH, and this book is a simple, actionable plan that can fit seamlessly into everyone's life and lifestyle. It includes: 28 days of meal plans at different calorie ranges Simple tools to help you personalize a DASH Diet Action Plan for guaranteed success DASH-friendly recipes and shopping lists Tips for eating on-the-run Advice on healthy weight loss and exercise for every lifestyle.Now, you can revolutionize your health and change your life-without medication. There are no magical combinations, no forbidden foods-just fabulous, healthy eating



The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegan Cooking (Paperback)

Delicious recipes for the growing vegan lifestyle. There are so many reasons to go veganÂ?health and nutrition, weight loss, green and sustainable living, and prevention of cruelty to animals. With over 200 mouth-watering recipes and tips for converting meat- and dairybased dishes into vegan ones, The Complete IdiotÂ's Guide to Vegan Cooking will help readers enjoy a healthy vegan diet without sacrificing taste.



The Mayo Clinic Diet (Hardcover)

Presents a weight loss and diet plan engineered to help readers lose up to ten pounds in two weeks through a reevaluation of nutrition and daily exercise, in a book that includes meal planners and healthy recipes.



Eat What You Love (Hardcover)

One of the most comprehensive family-friendly diabetes and weight-loss cookbooks, Eat What You Love provides more than 300 delicious and healthy recipes that everyone can enjoy, and will allow family members on a special diet to continue to eat what they love. The recipes cover all meals from breakfasts to dinner entrees, including pasta, desserts, and drinks.The cookbook also contains helpful information about the different types of diabetes, pre-diabetes, and a basic overview of the foods to eat and foods to avoid. You will learn about calories, sugar and sugar substitutes, fat, proteins, and fiber, and how they work together to give you a balanced diet.The book includes a section on how to read the nutritional information for each recipe and how to utilize the diabetic exchange system. Helpful charts provide at-a-glance information for the diabetic exchanges and carbohydrate tracking. It covers cooking tips and provides information on healthy carb-conscious ingredients. Chock-full of color photographs, this is the only family cookbook you will need.



Weight Watchers Great Cooking Every Day (Paperback)

Learn to cook like a pro, from the pros Team up with Weight Watchers, the foremost authority on weight loss, and the chefs from The Culinary Institute of America, the country146;s premier cooking school, to make flavorful, imaginative150;and healthy150;dishes with ease. Learn how to be creative without being complicated when you sample the more than 250 enticing recipes collected here. Roasted Vegetable Lasagne, Thai Beef Salad, Spicy Chicken-Peanut Dumplings, and Almost-Fudge Truffles150;these and dozens of other delectable dishes are offered up by leading chefs intent on bringing out the full natural flavors of food. In addition to delicious and healthy recipes, you146;ll also discover chefs146; tips and secrets for great food, step-by-step illustrations of cooking techniques, and advice on the art of plating food. Complete with Weight Watchers POINTS information, full nutrition information, and 30 color photos showcasing finished dishes, this is a book everyone who appreciates great food will want to own. Enjoy Delectable Dishes: Simple but Special Clams Steamed in Beer Lentil, Olive, and Orange Salad Lamb Shish Kebab Favorites with Pizzazz Pizza with Wild Mushrooms and Goat Cheese Bolivian Beef Stew Lemon-Ginger Grilled Chicken Fresh Ideas Whiskey-Glazed Smoked Turkey Breast with Orange Herb Conserve Seared Salmon with Moroccan Spice Crust Berry Coulis



You: Losing Weight (Revised) (Paperback)

There are no shortcuts when it comes to weight, and waist, loss8212;no 20-pounds-in-3-days formulas, no way to get from size XXXL to size S by the end of the weekend. But you can diet smart, not hard. In YOU: Losing Weight, the doctors behind the bestselling YOU: On a Diet offer their best 99 tips and strategies for getting your body into the shape and with the waist size that you8217;ve always wanted. Dieting can8217;t be hard if you are to succeed for a lifetime, and it should never feel like a sacrifice. With the right strategy, you can make the lifestyle changes that you need to lose weight and get healthy for good. In this handy waist-loss guide, Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz use their signature wit and wisdom to boil down the science and strategies for you. They keep their usual no-nonsense approach to explaining the human body to outline why crash dieting can8217;t work for the long term. More important, America8217;s Doctors share their favorite weight-loss super-foods recipes and provide exercise suggestions for how to get the most from any kind of workout. With food plans, shopping lists, and comprehensive advice on the science of waist loss, this pocket-size paperback is packed with everything dieters need to know about how to develop better habits that will keep pounds off for good



The 17 Day Diet Cookbook: 80 All New Recipes for Healthy Weight Loss

Based on the New York Times bestselling book and revolutionary diet program that has swept the nation, a collection of easy, delicious, and healthy recipes that will help readers lose weight fast, and keep it off.The 17 Day Diet has helped thousands of people shed pounds fast and in a safe, effective, and lasting way. Dr. Mike Morenorsquo;s revolutionary program involves four 17-day cycles, Accelerate, Activate, Achieve, and Arrive that adjust your body metabolically so you burn fat day in and day out. Now, with The 17 Day Diet Cookbook, readers will be able to incorporate even more aspects of this fantastic diet regimen into their lives. The 17 Day Diet Cookbook is a great collection of brand new, delicious, and easy to prepare recipes that will keep readers on track in their diets. With menu ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, parties, and even dessert, the cookbook offers plenty of variety to avoid the boredom of eating the same things day in and day out. Divided into categories for each of the four cycles, all of the recipes exemplify the low-fat, low-sugar, and high protein emphasis of the different phases. More than a dieterrs's cookbook, this will be a healthy food loverrs's cookbook, filled with smart and tasty recipes that will leave everyone satisfied.



Recipes for Life After Weight-Loss Surgery (Revised)

Weight loss surgery is only the first step to maintaining a healthy weight. Post-surgery is when it is most important to maintain proper eating habits with the right balance of nutrients. Recipes for Life After Weight-Loss Surgery, Revised and Updated provides you with a variety of tasty meals that are tailored for each stage of your post-operative eating plan. Included are meal plans, pantry lists, and 200 recipes that are delicious and specifically tailored to weight-loss surgery requirements:? Zucchini Frittata with Capers and Olives? Lavender-Blueberry Muffins? Sesame-Glazed Salmon? Fall Harvest Pumpkin SoupThis revised and expanded edition includes 50 new recipes with nutritional analysis, meal plans for each post-op stage, and the latest information on weight loss surgery and procedures.


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