Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Reteta-Salata din sfecla rosie
Aceasta salata este foarte sanatoasa si se serveste cu diferite garnituri,in special pilaf de urez
-5-60 sfecle rosii de marime medie
- doua linguri ulei
- suc de lamaie dupa gust
- putina sare
Sfecla rosie se spala bine,se pune la fiert in apa clacotita.Dupa ce a fiert se lasa sa se raceasca,se curata de coaja si se da pe razatoarea mare.Se amesteca cu sarea si zeama de lamaie.
Labels: Reteta-Salata din sfecla rosie
Probleme ce apar dupa un regim de slabire cu efect rapid
Labels: Probleme ce apar dupa un regim de slabire cu efect rapid
Are importanta ce metoda folosim pentru scaderea in greutate?
Labels: Scaderea in greutate
Excesul greutatii corporale scurteaza viata
Labels: Excesul greutatii corporale scurteaza viata
Ce este obezitatea si care sunt riscurile ei
Labels: Ce este obezitatea si care sunt riscurile ei
Retetele-minune de slabit sunt foarte populare
Labels: Retetele-minune de slabit sunt foarte populare
Penteu a va mentine greutetea corporala evitati sa consumati
La micul dejun:
-omleta din 3-4 oua cu sunca si branza;
-paine prajita cu unt si gem;
-cafea cu frisca;
-suc de portocale
La pranz:
-cartofi prajiti,
-cafea cu lapte,
-pui fript,
-salata de verdeturi cu sos,
-cartofi copti cu smantana,lapte gras-un pahar.
Labels: Penteu a va mentine greutetea corporala evitati sa consumati
Importanta fructului Acai berry
Provine din Brazilia si este folosit in preparare medicamentelor naturiste,Este recunoscut usor deoarece are o culoare violet purpuriu,contine 10% pulpa si 90% boabe.Are un gust foarte placut care seamana cu un suc de coacaze cu ciocolata.Brazilienii il folosesc de mii de ani in medicina naturista.Uleiul din acest fruct este folosit pentru tratarea diareei,radacina este folosita in tratarea icterului dar si in tratarea diabetului,hepatitei,hemoragii,boli renale,impotriva caderii parului(sub forma de deconct)iar fructele sunt folosite ca tratament la ulcerul de piele.
Acai berry,la fel ca alte fructe si legume este bogat in antocianina,un antioxidant puternic care ii da culoarea.Sursa de fibre, acai berry poate sa actioneze ca un stimulant asupra activitatii fizice.Cercetarile efectuate asupra acestui fruct exotic au demonstrat ca poate contribui la taierea poftei de mancare, accelerarea metabolismului, arderea grasimilor ajutand la slabire.
Labels: Importanta fructului Acai berry
Pentru o viata sanatoasa cateva recomandari pentru anotimpul rece
Iarna a venit deja,petrcem mai mult timp in casa in fata televizorului sau la calculator,rontaim tot felul de dulciuri.Din pacate,iarna organismul este mai puturos si predispus multor boli.Sunt cateva recomandari pentru a ajuta organismul sa-si pastreze energia si de a-si intari sistemul imunitar:
-cafeaua de dimineata inlocuiti-o cu un ceai fierbinte din plante aromate;
-micul dejun sa nu lipseasca si sa fie alcatuit din cereale integrale;
-consumul de legume si fructe din belsug nu va va afecta siluieta in nici un fel;
-ardeti caloriile acumulate din alimente si faceti plimbari de cel putin o ora si jumatate chiar daca afara este un pic mai frig.
Labels: Pentru o viata sanatoasa cateva recomandari pentru anotimpul rece
Obiceiuri cu defecte in alimentatie
Labels: Obiceiuri cu defecte in alimentatie
Obezitatea o problema majora
Labels: Obezitatea o problema majora
Simplicity Weight-loss/ A 21st Century Diet
Most programs require you to eat their foods, take their supplements, eat this - don't eat that, count calories, don't eat after 8:00pm (even if you're up till 12:00), or require exercise that you'll never fit into your life. And, you still have cravings. Simplicity Weight-loss/A 21st Century Diet shows you how to get thin and stay thin and allows you to decide how healthy and fit you choose to be. This small book will introduce you to the real truth behind eating disorders. No recipes will be shared - only priceless knowledge.
Labels: Simplicity Weight-loss/ A 21st Century Diet
Iovate health Sciences Iovate Health Sciences Complete 7-Day Cleanse
Dietary Supplement. America's No. 1 weight-loss supplement brand (based on IRI F/D/MX sales data). From the makers of Hydroxycut. Easy, fast, safe results. Gently removes more waste. Liver, colon, digestive support & more! Complete 7-Day Cleanse - the complete doctor-formulated cleanse (Formulated by Dr. Marvin Heuer, MD, FAAFP, Iovate Chief Scientific Officer). Complete 7-Day Cleanse has been scientifically designed to take the guess work out of cleansing. Finally, with just one easy-to-use product, you can invigorate and revitalize your body. Complete 7-Day Cleanse easily and gently cleanses your system: liver; digestive system; colon; and more! With prebiotics to support beneficial intestinal flora. Dye-free natural rapid release caps. Complete 7-Day Cleanse Rapid Release Caps are completely free of dyes or artificial colors and contain a spectrum of beneficial ingredients. The Rapid Release Caps are designed to deliver natural cleansing ingredients to quickly and gently, for noticeable results that easily fit into your health-conscious lifestyle. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.) Made in USA.
Labels: Iovate health Sciences Iovate Health Sciences Complete 7-Day Cleanse
The REAL Skinny on Weight Loss Surgery: An Indispensable Guide to What
Kardashian QuickTrim Burn & Cleanse 14 Day Diet Kit
Kardashian QuickTrim Burn & Cleanse 14 Day Diet Kit Kardashian Quick Trim Burn and Cleanse 14 Day Diet System 3 Part Kit (Iso-Burn AM 56 Tablets, Iso-Cleanse PM 56 Tablets, Iso-Flush 10 Tablets)Kardashian QuickTrim Burn and Cleanse 14 Day Diet System 3 Part Kit is a complete all day, all night weight loss system. This all-in-one system was designed to totally transform your body for that big event or to jump-start you on your way to a brand-new you. QuickTrim gives you the tools you need to get the body you want. The QuickTrim Burn and Cleanse 14 Day Diet System comes in 3 parts: Iso-Burn AM, Iso-Cleanse PM and Iso-Flush.?Jump-start your diet! ?Burn calories by day! ?Cleanse by night! Iso-Burn AMBurn fat all day! Iso-Burn stimulates metabolism to burn more calories and fat throughout the day. This thermogenic powerhouse also helps to release and burn stored fat while enhancing energy levels. Iso-Burn also helps to maintain blood sugar levels within a normal range, is loaded with antioxidants and helps to promote mood.Iso-Cleanse PMDetox all night! Iso-Cleanse helps to remove toxins and impurities out of your system that many diets fail to even take into consideration. Detoxing has become one of the healthiest ways to rid your body of intestinal build-up while rejuvenating your entire body. With Iso-Cleanse you clean and detoxify your system, resulting in better health and energy levels.Iso-FlushFlush it out! Iso-Flush helps to remove excess water from under the skin. Now you can achieve that defined "model look" with the help of Iso-Flush. Thhis herbal diuretic formula helps to define your body so you can show off all of those sexy curves again!Suggested Use:Take 2 QuickTrim Iso-Burn AM tablets with an 8 oz glass of water before exercise or between breakfast and lunch, and 2 tablets with an 8 oz glass of water between lunch and dinner. Take 4 QuickTrim Iso-Cleanse PM tablets with an 8 oz glass of water shortly before bedtime. For the last 5 days of the QuickTrim system, take 2 QuickTrim Iso-Flush tablets upon rising. Take with plenty of water, 6-8 glasses per day for best results. Quick Trim Iso-Burn AM Ingredients: Niacin 20 mg Chromium (as chromium picolinate) 200 mcg QT Capsimax Thermogenic Complex: Caffeine Anhyddrous (Providing 200 mg of Caffeine), Capsimax Capsicum Fruit Extract, Metabromine, Cocoa Extract (Theobroma cacao)(fruit) (Standardized for Theobromine and Caffeine), Bioperine (Black Pepper Extract) 244 mg Super Antioxidant Thermo Catalyst Complex: Blueberry, Blackberry, Trans-resveratrol (Polygonum cuspidatum Root Extract), White Willow Bark Extract (Standardized for 25% Salicin), Acai Frui Extract (Euterpe oleracea). 233 mg Iso-Burn Fatloss Activator Green Tea Leaf Extract (Providing 135 mg EGCG 225 Catechins), Raspberry Ketones, Mucuna pruriens Seed Extract (Standardized for 10% L-dopa), Banaba Leaf Extract (Standardized for 1% Corosolic Acid), Sclareolide 95% (Salvia sclarea Leaf Extract), Acetyl-l-carnitine 415 mg QT Detox Cleansing Complex: Black Walnut Hull, Grapefruit Seed 4:1 Extract, Pau D'arco Bark, Pumpkin Seed, Myrrh Gum Powder, Hyssop (Aerial Parts), Gentian Root, Elecampane Root, Prickly Ash Bark, Yellow Dock Root, False Unicorn Root 100 mgOther Ingredients:dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, silica and film coat (polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, titanium dioxide, mica, talc, polysorbate 80, FD&C blue #2 and FD&C red #40). Quick Trim Iso-Cleanse PM Ingredients: Iso-Cleanse Herbal Complex: Oat Fiber, Cellulose, Senna Leaf Extract (Standardized for 20% Sennosides), Cascara Sagrada Bark Extract (Standardized for 20% Cascaroside A), Aloe Ferrox Resin Concentrate, Rhubarb 4:1 Extract, Prune Powder, Senna Leaf, Carob, Apple Fruit, Tamarind Extract (Whole Plant), Date Fruit, Fig Fruit 2200 mgOther Ingredients:dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, silica and film coat (hypromellose, polydextrose, titanium dioxide, talc, maltodextrin, sodium carboxymethylcullose, dextrose monohydrate, mica, soy lecithin, FD&C yellow #5, medium chain triglycerides, FD&C yellow #6, FD&C blue #2). Quick Trim Iso-Flush Ingredients: Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 50 mg Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 100 mg Potassium (as potassium citrate) 100 mg Herbal Blend: Buchu Leaf (Barosma betulina), Cornsilk Stylus (Zea mays), Couchgrass Rhizome (Agropyron repens), Hydrangea Root (Hydrangea arborescens), Juniper Berry Fruit (Juniperus communis), Uva Ursi Leaf (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), Horsetail Extract (7% silica) (whole plant) 1000 mg Proprietary Blend: Dandelion Root Extract (20% taraasterol), Green Tea Leaf Extract and Guarana Seed Extract (providing 50 mg caffeine) 156 mgOther Ingredients:dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, silica and film coat (polyethylene glycol, polyvinyl alcohol, talc, mica, titanium dioxide, polysorbate 80 and FD&C blue.
Labels: Kardashian QuickTrim Burn amp; Cleanse 14 Day Diet Kit
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Glycemic Index Weight Loss
A fully updated and expanded edition of a weight loss program that readers can count on. This fully updated and expanded edition clearly explains just how and why a glycemic index diet works by showing readers how to eat the right kind of foods-more complex carbohydrates, fiber, grains, and fruit. Â?The glycemic index diet is a solution for many people at risk for Type II diabetes or those with insulin-sensitivity or resistance Â?Includes information on supplements, easy recipes, food lists, and sample meal plans Â?Includes an appendix with glycemic index counts and loads for all sorts of food Â?Features a new study on how eating certain foods cold can make a big difference
Labels: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Glycemic Index Weight Loss
Considering Weight Loss Surgery
Bodymedia Fit Weight Management System Display Device - White/ Silver
Labels: Shop
Belly Burner Weight Loss Belt - Black
Labels: Weight Loss
Weight loss: Exploring self-regulation through Mindfulness Meditation
Labels: Weight loss: Exploring self-regulation through Mindfulness Meditation