Sunday, February 19, 2012
Apa,un beneficiu important pentru pierderea in greutate
Bea apa multa sa scapi de greutate.
Doriti sa pierdeti 4-5 kilograme intr-un timp destul de scurt? Pierdeti multe calorii consumand mulata apa in fiecare zi.
Un studiu nou arata faptul ca trecerea la un stil de viata sanatos ar fi inlocuirea bauturilor racoritoare carbogazoase cu sucuri naturale din fructe,bauturi dietetice sau cel mai bine apa,veti constata ca apa poate avea un efect major asupra siluetei tale.
Deborah Tate,profesor de nutritie si comportament de sanatate la UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, conducatoarea unui studiu pentru a afla daca reducerea caloriilor din bauturi a fost utila pentru persoanele care doresc sa piarda in greutate.Acest studiu a fost facut pe 318 persoane obeze si supraponderale.Aceste persoane au fost impartite in trei grupe.O grupa a fost pusa sa consume bauturi dietetice,o grupa sa inlocuiasca bauturile cu apa si a treia grupa a primit informatii privind alegeri pentru un stil de viata sanatos care ajuta la pierderea in greutate,insa nu a primit instructiuni cu privire la schimbarea bauturilor.
Persoanele participante in cele trei grupe au luat parte la sesiuni lunare de grup si pe o perioada de sase luni puteau accesa un site creat special pentru ei.
Dupa sase luni,toti participantii din cele trei grupe au avut scaderi in greutate,insa pacientii care au schimbat obiceiurile lor si au consumat bauturi fara calorii au sanse de a pierde 5% sau mai mult din greutatea corpului,decat cei care au primit consiliere cu privire la obiceiurile lor.
"Inlocuirea bauturilor noncalorice, indiferent daca este bautura racoritoare dietetica,ceai,apa-poate fi o schimbare majora si simpla pentu persoanele care doresc sa piarda din greutate sau pentru cele care vor sa si-o mentina" spune Deborah Tate.Ea a mai spus ca ,"daca acest lucru s-ar face pe o scara larga,problemele de sanatate si obezitate s-ar reduce semnificativ".
Acest studiu a fost numit CHOICE (Choosing Healthy Options Consciously Everyday),si se pare ca este primul studiu care a controlat inlocuirea bauturilor cu efect vizibil asupra pierderii in greutate.
Studiul a fost on-line insa va aparea in luna martie in revista American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Labels: pierderea in greutate
Expertul in fitnes,Alex Allan,explica esecurile ce au loc atunci cand tineti dieta pentru pierderea in greutate
Antrenorul de fitnes, Alex Allan,demonstreaza faptul ca,daca nu intelegi chimia creierului,pierderea in greutate va fi un esec, cu toate ca aceasta este un vis pentru milioane de americani si nu numai.In expertizarea sa a acestei probleme,Allan pune accent pe un factor foarte important pentru pierderea in greutate,dieta si suplimentele, care este ignorat de multi,dar probabil este principalul motiv pentru care milioane de oameni supraponderali nu reusesc sa piarda in greutate sau sa-si mentina kilogramele ideale pentru sanatate.
Dietele din ziaua de azi,alimentele procesate,suplimentele,sunt incompatibile cu chimia creierului si rezultatele sunt pe termen scurt pentru pierderea in greutate.
Potrivit presedintelui Alex Allan, trebuie avut grija de sanatate,de fizic, 365 de zile pe an sau chiar toata viata.In lume sunt doua categorii de oamenicand vine vorba de "a te simti bine" ;cu sensibilitate mare si cu sensibilitate redusa.Cei cu sensibilitate mai mare va cauta mai multe csituatii extreme,pentru a simti bine.Acest lucru se poate intampla mai ales in copilarie,care,binenteles ar putea fi motivul real pentru copii supraponderali si cu prebleme de greutate mai tarziu.
Alex Allan ofera o perspectiva privind motivul de ce dietele nu reusesc,ofera strategii alternative pentru a evita pofta de mancare si exlica cu ajutorul unor studii solide stiintifice.
Multe persoane cu o sensibilitate mare consuma anumite alimente bogate in grasimi pentru a satisface poftele creierului.Aceste alimente provoaca o crestere mare de insulina si este absorbita prin venele de sange crescand nivelul de diabet. aceasta este o dependenta care actioneaza similar ca si cocaina sau alte droguri puternice.
Dusmanul principal care afecteaza nivelul de zahar din sange si chimia creierului este zaharul alb rafinat.Alex Allan a mai descoperit ca o problema majora cu multe programe de dieta este accentuarea restrictiilor de alimente si consumul foarte mic de calorii zilnic.Inevitabil,aceste restrictii duc la lacomie,sentimente negative,dependenta si procesul se repeta.
Alex Allan este fondatorul ,un blog de fitness si nutritie,si se straduieste sa afiseze cele mai bune informatii despre aceasta tema fiind acreditat de Academia Nationala de Medicina Sportiva.Pe de alta parte,el are numeroase certificate in alte domenii,precum pierderea in greutate,masaj de reabilitare si performanta in sportul conditionat.
Labels: pierderea in greutate
Jillian Michaels Calorie Control 84 Caps
We all know if you want to lose weight, you need to reduce your caloric intake. It sounds simple, but the truth is, if it were easy, most of us wouldn't be overweight in the first place. This is where Jillian Michaels Maximum Strength Calorie Control comes in: it?sa proprietary formula specifically developed to restrict your caloric intake automatically. In other words, when you take this compound before main meals, you eat less... but the best part is, you won't even know it. What could be simpler!*Two Capsules Before Main Meals And You Lose Weight? That?s It!* Helps Reduce Caloric Intake* High Energy Formula Fights ?Diet Fatigue?* Directions for use: Take 2 MetaCaps with a full glass of water 15 minutes before main meals. Do not exceed 6 MetaCaps per day.NOTE: Limit the use of caffeine-containing medications, foods or beverages while taking this product because too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and occasionally, rapid heart beat. For additional information on this or any other Jillian Michaels product, please call our experienced customer service representatives at: 1-800-898-5153.WARNING: This product contains a significantly potent xanthine (ie, caffeine and caffeine-like stimulants) mixture of about 100 mg per regular 2-MetaCap serving. Consult your physician before use if you are sensitive to stimulants. Do not exceed suggested daily serving. Not for use by individuals under the age of 18 years. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed.Individual results will vary.Use in conjunction with any sensible diet and exercise program.
Labels: Lose Weight
Hobe Labs Thermo Slim Tea, Lemon 24 Tea Bags
Thermo Slim Tea is a delicious low calorie beverage that combines antioxidant rich Green Tea (provides bioflavonoids and polyphenols) with heat producing herbs and spices that cause a thermogenic reaction by increasing metabolic activity. The body responds by not allowing excess calories to be stored as fat. These herbs receive a catalytic boost from Cayenne to help accelerate the metabolic process and support the whole concept of 'fat burning' by converting calories to heat. Thermo Slim Tea is balanced tea, herbs and spices formula is further strengthened by the addition of Citrus Peel, Ascorbic Acid, Rose Hips and Acerola for extra antioxidant and Vitamin C value. Each box of Thermo Slim Tea includes a 7-day balanced diet plan and is an excellent all-natural addition to a balanced diet and exercise program. It can be used between meals on a daily basis. Suggested Use: For a delicious cup of Thermo Slim Tea, put one tea bag into a cup, add boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes to desired strength and taste. Drink one cup twice a day between meals for maximum benefit. Do not drink within 3-4 hours of bedtime to avoid restlessness. For best taste do not oversteep. Ingredients: Green Tea, Ginger Root, Rose Hips, Peppermint, Spearmint, White Willow Bark, Orange Peel, Guarana, Licorice Root, Damiana, Ginseng(Panex), Eleuthero Root, Ascorbic Acid, Acerola, Cayenne.
Labels: Shop
This Is Why Youre Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever) By Warner, Jackie
The star of the hit show Work Out reveals the three main reasons people are overweight and gives readers the best way to drop the pounds, in a diet and exercise program that stresses variety and low-sugar foods and allows dieters to cheat on the weekends. *Author: Warner, Jackie *Subtitle: Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More, and Keep the Weight Off *Publication Date: 2010/04/27 *Number of Pages: 307 *Binding Type: Hardcover *Language: English *Depth: 1.00 *Width: 7.25 *Height: 9.25
Labels: Shop
Dynamic Health Laboratories, Inc. Dynamic Health Pounds Away Dietary
Weight loss program. With hoodia. Fast and easy liquid weight loss program. Cleansing! Rejuvenating! Detoxifying! (Individual results may vary. For best results, combine with a reduced calorie diet and exercise program). Dynamic Health Laboratories Inc's Pounds Away Formula Provides: Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostan): A delicious tasting fruit from south east Asia, which is locally know as the queen of fruits. Mangosteen contains the powerful xanthone antioxidant. Hoodia Gordonii: Is a plant that grows in the desert of South Africa. Traditionally hoodia gordonii has been used by the nomadic bushmen of the Kalahari Desert for hundreds of years during long hunting trips to suppress hunger and increase energy. Traditional Appetite Suppressants: L Carnitine, green tea extract, guarana. Curb hunger craving. Suppress appetite. Increase energy. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.) Dynamic Health's Pounds Away liquid detox weight loss formula combines the delicious taste of mangosteen juice with hoodia+. You can enjoy sipping it pure or mixed with your favorite beverage. Vegetarian. Contains no added sugar, artificial colors or artificial flavors. Made in USA
Labels: pilule pentru pierderea in greutate
Source Naturals Diet Pyruvate(TM) 3 ounces powder
Pyruvate powder may reduce body fat, increase lean body mass and enhance body composition when used with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan(TM). Pyruvate plays an important role in metabolism and the energy-production process. It is the link between two of the main energy-generating cycles in the body, glycolysis (anaerobic metabolism) and the Krebs cycle (aerobic metabolism). Pyruvate is also found in small quantities in foods. Source Naturals Diet Pyruvate(TM) is manufactured using a unique process that ensures the productG?s stability and high purity. Extensive research indicates that pyruvate may play an important role in a healthy diet and exercise program. 1 rounded teaspoon 1 to 2 times daily (3-6 grams), briskly stirred or blended, with 8 ounces of water or juice. For best results, blend in apple juice for 30 seconds. Best if taken in conjunction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan(TM). Ingredients: Calcium (as calcium pyruvate) -424 mg Calcium Pyruvate Monohydrate -3 g Other Ingredients: acacia gum. Suitable for vegetarians. Suggested Use 1 rounded teaspoon 1 to 2 times daily (3-6 grams), briskly stirred or blended, with 8 ounces of water or juice. For best results, blend in apple juice for 30 seconds. Best if taken in conjunction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan(TM). Warnings If you are pregnant, may become pregnant, breastfeeding, or diabetic, consult your health care professional before using this product. Do not use if either tamper-evident seal is broken or missing. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use if either tamper-evident seal is broken or missing. Keep out of the reach of children.
Labels: Source Naturals Diet Pyruvate(TM) 3 ounces powder