Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Life after Weight Loss Surgery: Achieving and Maintaining Massive Weig

You dieted. You lost weight. But those pounds always come back! Learn about new surgical techniques that make it possible to lose massive amounts of weight and to maintain your goal weight permanently. Learn what to do after surgery to ensure long term success. This book includes information about:* an overview and illustrations of different types of bariatric surgery, including Lap Band, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch, Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, and Sleeve Gastrectomy, and reasons to choose one procedure instead of others* common myths about weight loss surgery* insufficient weight loss and how to avoid regaining lost weight* co-morbid conditions and how weight loss surgery can help resolve or cure them - including a cure for Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes and sleep apnea* information about eating disorders common among obese people* a thorough explanation of dietary concerns after bariatric surgery* the importance of becoming more physically active and some easy activities that you can try* joining, organizing and participating in support groups and why support groups can help ensure your successful long-term weight loss* major changes in relationships and sex, and how to cope with them* plastic surgery after massive weight loss - what procedures are available and what to expect* a thorough discussion of problems and complications you might experience after bariatric surgery* the importance of vitamin and mineral supplements, an explanation of what they do and why you need them* pregnancy after bariatric surgeryLearn the single most important secret to achieving weight loss success!John Simone was overweight for most of his adult life. He had weight loss surgery (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) in 2007 and has maintained his goal weight for three years. His co-morbid conditions improved after surgery



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